Navigate the site using the links above. Links to the original articles and videos, along with their comments, can be found in the Comment Sources section. Graphs and charts analyzing the collected data can be found in the Analysis section. Under the Hood goes into detail about the XML and other coding techniques we used to gather, organize, and display our data. Our conclusions and closing remarks can be found in the Conclusions section.

Comment Analysis

Below we took the comments from each of the videos and articles and tabulated what percentage of them were positive, negative or neutral. As you can see, the results are surprising!

This bar graph shows the tone percentages for all comments across both the Youtube videos and NBC news articles. Predictably, there is much negativity.

This bar graph shows the tone percentages just for the comments from Youtube videos. Unexpectedly, they are mostly positive!

And here we can see that it is actually the NBC news articles that contain the highest percentage of negative comments to positive and neutral.

Here we see how the quality of the comments compares between Youtube and NBC. As we can see, although NBC has more negative comments, its comments are overwhelmingly well-formed, whereas Youtube has about as many poorly written comments as it does well-written ones.